So it's dead week (week before finals) and my first two finals are on Saturday... :( So I figured I should post something before I take myself away from the world for a couple of days.
Also have a nail polish buying story: The other day I saw that a Bartell's had OPI's Texas collection and I bought Don't Mess With OPI last week thinking it'd be at retail price or maybe even more expensive, but none of the OPI's would ring up so the manager priced it at $2.99! Then I thought about buying Austin-tatious Turquoise also but I felt like I would be too greedy. Then 2 days ago I go back and Austin-tatious was still there! So I bought it and for some reason they still hadn't priced the OPIs so I got it for $1.99! Awesomeee.

OPI - Simply Smash-Ing
OPI - Black Shatter
I love shatter, at first I was kind of hesitant since I lean toward cutesy things more than grudge-y looking things. But, I really loved the effect of it. After using Black Shatter I went and bought China Glaze - Fault Line (since it was the only one left at my Sally's). I think it will be awesome to use it over gold though when I do Husky nails again :)
Also, as you can see I changed my watermark. I feel like 'Nail Bean' will be way more easy to identify where the image is from than with 'Beanz'. Also wanted to change the font.